Suddenly the interior of the Cat Club was a mess! But a Miss Plum put a stop to his antics as she exclaimed, 'Got Him!'

He took every opportunity to escape capture, diving under chairs, through people's legs, running down stairs and even managing to pull down the banners and flags.

The President of the Cat Club is none too impressed and orders 'Collar Him, Quick'! But Hairy Maclary was too slippery slick and to catch him was not easy. Hairy makes a tour of the cages enticing hisses and roars from those encaged. So he breaks free and pops in to look at the fat cats and thin cats, tabbies and greys, kick-up-a-din cats that were cooped up in their cages and giving out plenty of wails. In Riverside Hall on Cabbage Tree Row, the Cat Club were having their Annual Show and Hairy Maclary, whose lead had him tied to a tree outside, could not resist having a look at what was going on.