Transformers Generation One Volume 1 by Chris Sarracini
Transformers Generation One Volume 1 by Chris Sarracini

Transformers Generation One Volume 1 by Chris Sarracini

Pat Lee and Dreamwave submitted their own take on the Transformers, one of Pat's personal favorites from his childhood days. In 2001, issue #111 of Wizard: The Comics Magazine ran a feature named "Big 80s", featuring various popular properties of the 1980s such as Thundercats or Masters of the Universe in new interpretations by modern artists. Splitting from Image and getting the Transformers license

Transformers Generation One Volume 1 by Chris Sarracini

Initially, the "hook" for Dreamwave's financial success was the drawing style of its president, Pat Lee, which many readers viewed as "manga-like" (although readers of actual Japanese Mangas had a different opinion on this matter). Martens shoe label and created the production designs for the music video to Janet Jackson's song "Doesn't Really Matter". Furthermore, Dreamwave also collaborated with VIBE and Wizard: The Comics Magazine on various projects, developed an advertising campaign for the Dr. Other titles such as Shidima, Fate of the Blade or Arkanium would follow. In 1998, Dreamwave would start to publish various blatantly plagiarized originally created titles such as Darkminds and Warlands, as well as accepting work-for-hire assignments for other publishers such as the four-issue limited series Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation for Marvel.

  • 1.2 Splitting from Image and getting the Transformers licenseĭreamwave Productions was originally launched by brothers Pat and Roger Lee as a studio within Image Comics in 1996, at the height of the Image boom.
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  • Transformers Generation One Volume 1 by Chris Sarracini