Patterson unsolved
Patterson unsolved

patterson unsolved

The day her body was found, the Sheriff's Office, which still is the police agency for Fountain Hills, also responded to another homicide incident - one that would garner much more attention from the public and MCSO. Wittrig and Leonard did not immediately respond to messages via Facebook seeking comment. Patterson's body was found on Aug.10, 1991 by her best friend, Dori Wittrig, and neighbor, Duane Leonard, who both began to worry when Patterson didn't return their phone calls and missed a couple of planned outings, according to the Republic reports. Patterson's murder was only the third to occur in Fountain Hills since its founding in 1970, the Republic reported in 2003. The Sheriff's Office did not answer a Republic reporter's specific questions regarding details about Patterson's murder and the agency's investigation into the matter. A request for MSCO reports related to Patterson's murder is pending and could take weeks to fulfill, the agency stated. "We ask that people not forget Julie and that if anyone knows anything at all to please contact the police," the Nashville, Tennessee resident, said. "We desperately want justice for Julie." O'Connor was 25 years old at the time of her aunt's murder and considered Patterson as more of a "cool older sister."

patterson unsolved

7 calling for a renewed interest in the case. O'Connor had a letter to the editor published in the Republic on Aug. "I do not know why the case remains unsolved. Our family is very frustrated with the lack of progress made. We have been very willing to cooperate with law enforcement and have remained in contact with them," wrote Kelly O'Connor, Patterson's niece, in an email on Wednesday.

patterson unsolved

Bryant Vanegas confirmed on Wednesday that the agency still is actively investigating the cold case. Patterson's killer has yet to be found. She lived alone with her dog on the 14600 block of North Love Court at the time of her death. 8, 1991, after she was hit on the head with a blunt instrument while laying on a sofa in her home, according to an Arizona Republic article from Sept. Julie Marie Patterson, 39, died the evening of Aug. The family of a woman killed in Fountain Hills 28 years ago is still seeking justice in a case that remains unsolved. Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this article misspelled the last name of Kelly O'Connor.

Patterson unsolved